Programme provisoire

Journée IDIA, 28 juin 2022, Ecole Polytechnique
9h-10h15 : plénier (amphi Cauchy)
  • Actualités d'IDIA (Bruno Defude) 15mn
  • le point sur les centres interdisciplinaires existants (Hi!PARIS, CIEDS, E4C, E4H, Factory) 30mn
  • enseignement de l'informatique en CPGE (Bertrand Meyer) 30mn
10h15-10h40 : pause (grand hall)
10h40-12h : ateliers en parallèle (salles 17 à 23 + 38)
  • atelier doctorants : salle 17
    • échanges doctorants IA-ML (Luc Brogat-Motte, Imad Marouf)
    • présentation de Sylvie Coussot, psychologue en charge des doctorants à IP Paris (11h30-12h)
  • atelier Trust, Safety and cybersecurity salle 18
    • Alexandre Chapoutot: Welcome and introduction •
    • 10:40 - 11:00 - Alexandre Chapoutot: “FARO” •
    • 11:00 - 11:30 - Gregory Blanc, Jean Lenautre, Olivier Levilla: “Cybersecurity Evaluation in Realistic EnvironmentS (CERES)” •
    • 11:30 - 11:40 - Olivier Blazy, Hieu Phan - Digital identity: Cryptography to the rescue? •
    • 11:40 - 11:50 - Romain Alleaume, "Quantum cryptography and quantum networks" •
    • 11:50 - 12:00 - Alexandre Chapoutot: Collaborations between Robots and Mechanical engineering •
    • Alexandre Chapoutot: Closing remarks
  • atelier Next Generation  Digital Infrastructure salle 19
  • atelier Robotics, Visual Computing, Interaction salle 20
    • 10h40 - Giovanna Varni (LTCI, S2A) "Groups’ Analysis for automated Cohesion Estimation"
    • 10h52 - Mathieu Desbrun (LIX/Inria, GeoViC) "Rivaling the real with geometry-driven numerics"
    • 11h04 - Clément Yver (U2IS) "Report and perspectives of the CoHoMa challenge: Human Machine Collaboration with Robot Swarm"
    • 11h16 - Alasdair James Newson (LTCI, IMAGES) "Editing facial attributes with deep generative models"
    • 11h28 - Stéphane Lathuilière (LTCI, MM) "Self-supervised learning for video generation."
    • 11h40 - Geoffroy Peeters (LTCI, S2A) "Learning Multi-Pitch Estimation From Weakly Aligned Score-Audio Pairs Using a Multi-Label CTC Loss"
  • atelier Foundations of CS salle 21
    • 10h40: Catherine Dubois (SAMOVAR)
      LibNDT: Towards a formal library on spreadable properties over linked nested datatypes 
      Mathieu Montin (Loria, Nancy), Amélie Ledein (INRIA, Paris-Saclay), Catherine Dubois (ENSIIE, Samovar, Evry)
      Abstract : 
        Nested datatypes have been widely studied in the past 25 years, both theoretically using category theory, and practically in programming languages such as Haskell. They consist of recursive polymorphic datatypes where the type parameter changes throughout the recursion. They have a variety of applications such as modelling memory or constraints over regular datatypes.
        Our work focuses on a specific subset of nested datatypes which we call Linked Nested DataTypes (LNDT), and which induces the definition of some regular datatypes, such as List and Maybe, as well as some nested datatypes, such as Nest and Bush. LibNDT is a core library, developed both in Coq and Agda, which focuses on the set of constructs that can be spread directly from the parameter on which a specific LNDT is built to the LNDT itself. These spreadable elements are of two kinds, functions, suc
      11h00: Francesco Mazzoncini  (LTCI) (List of authors: Francesco Mazzoncini, Balthazar Bauer, Sophie Laplante, Romain Alléaume), Hybrid Quantum Cryptography from One-way Quantum Communication Complexity Separation
      We introduce an explicit construction for a key distribution protocol in the Quantum Computational Timelock (QCT) security model, where one assumes that computationally secure encryption may only be broken after a time much longer than the coherence time of available quantum memories. Taking advantage of the QCT assumptions, we build a key distribution protocol called HM-QCT from the Hidden Matching problem for which there exists an exponential gap in one-way communication complexity between classical and quantum strategies. 
      We establish that the security of HM-QCT against arbitrary attacks can be reduced to the difficulty of solving the underlying distributed problem with classical information, while legitimate users can use quantum communication. This leads to a HM-QCT key distribution scheme over n bosonic modes that can be secure with up to O(sqrt(n)/log(n)) input photons per channel use, boosting key rates by several orders of magnitude compared to QKD and allowing to operate with a non-trusted receiver
      11h20: François Fages (INRIA)
      11h40: Liding Xu (LIX, OptimiX) ,  An algorithmic toolkit for continuous set covering on networks  (LIDING XU)
      ABSTRACT:  Covering problems are well-studied in the domain of Operations Research, and, in particular, Location Science. When the location space is a network, the most frequent assumption is to consider the candidate facility locations, the points to be covered, or both, to be discrete sets. In this talk, we study the set-covering location problem when both demand points and candidate locations are continuous sets on a network, and we propose several Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Formulations. CFLG.jl is an open-source software written in the Julia programming language for the continuous set cover problem, and these MILP formulations are implemented in CFLG.jl. CFLG.jl can be extended to model other covering problems on networks, such as discrete cover problems. We conduct the numerical experiment of CFLG.jl on several benchmarks and compare the performance of different MILP formulations. The results show that our formulations are more scalable than the existing formulation.

  • atelier Data and AI salle 22
12h-14h : déjeuner barbecue (espace barbecue, près du lac)
14h-17h : après midi doctorants
  • 14h15 -16h30 : posters doctorants (espace poster grand hall)
  • 16h30-17h : remise des prix thèse IDIA (plénier, amphi Cauchy)
17h  cocktail de fin (grand hall)
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